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The Fit Retreat : Beat Those Winter Blues !

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The Fit Retreat : Beat Those Winter Blues !


Who's glad that January is nearly over? 

People put so much pressure on themselves when it come to the month of January. New year resolutions, loose weight, exercise more, go back to work, dealing with the grim weather and the long dreary days. Looking at everyone’s else’s perfect life on social media (we are all guilty of that)
 It is so hard not to get caught up and feel, dispirited, uninspired and well... Just a bit glum! 
Let’s look at what we can do to change this and look forward to February and the year ahead!


Beat The Blues :

Focus on positives 
Try to think positive, surround yourself with happy and positive people, read something inspiring, laugh more. Being positive will help you cope easier with your daily routine and will help you make constructive changes in your life. Try and focus on the good and not the negative. Pros V cons... Make a list and keep going until the Pros outweigh the Cons. 

Help Others
Whether it's helping an old lady carry her  shopping, helping a college with their work or giving a little to charity. Helping others even if its only a small gesture will give you a sense of satisfaction, it will promote positive behaviour and make us feel happy.

Get Outdoors
Even if its only for 10 minutes, give yourself a break and get some fresh air. No phones, no interruptions just YOU embracing the outdoors. Go for a walk, sit on a bench and watch the would go by, however you choose to send that time, but try and give yourself that time in the fresh air to recharge and promote a sense of well-being.

Eat Smarter
Instead of stressing about losing weight, make small changes and nothing too drastic. Don’t put yourself under pressure to lose the extra pounds gained. Instead make a plan, don’t cut out everything you love straight away. Have an idea of your general eating patterns and try to make small changes where possible. Example; Eggs on toast for breakfast. Make sure the bread is wholemeal/rye, add some avocados to your plate and have a piece o fruit after if your not quite full. Small steps will take you further than making drastic changes to your diet. Your mind will be able to cope with small changes here and there and eventually you will be losing the weight without the stress of underrating, fad diets and feeling low. 

Listing to music or podcasts
If you are on your way to work, waiting for the bus, driving in your car ect... Listen to music or something that makes you feel happy, it will put you in a good mood and is a great way to stop negative thoughts entering your mind and it will lower your stress levels. 

I know everyone says it but exercise is good for you and it will make you feel better in yourself. More positive, focused and you will have higher levels of energy. So if you are feeling blue, stick on your gym gear and have a little workout. It will help promote weight-loss, stress relief, realise endorphins and it is easier to relax/sleep after a good workout. Plus all of the other health benefits that develop long term when you exercise regularly. 

Plan a holiday
January/February is a great time to plan your next trip (even if its just a day out) Looking forward to something definitely sets you up with a positive mindset. Dreaming of your next trip creates excitement and makes you feel happy. If you can’t quite afford it, don’t get down, make a plan of action. Figure out ways where you can budget so you can afford something you really want. Have a holiday goal. 

Lets see if we can bring some happiness & positivity to 2019 !

If you fancy a wellbeing holiday this year then come and visit

The Fit Retreat !

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The Fit Retreat’s Kitchen: Overnight Chia Seed Pudding !


The Fit Retreat’s Kitchen: Overnight Chia Seed Pudding !

At The Fit Retreat we serve tasty and nutritious treats for you to enjoy and to fuel-up on before our activities. Our Chia Seed Pudding is just one of the many healthy goodies we serve.  

Providing our guests with quick and healthy ideas is all part of your experience when you visit The Fit Retreat. Our recipes and Ideas are tried and tested and we pride ourselves on making these delicious, affordable, easy to make healthy treats for our guests to enjoy. 

We make the upmost effort to make our foods as raw and natural as possible. Our ingredients can be changed according to our guests dietary requirements and allergies, but the recipe you will see below is a great guideline to use for this recipe. 

So far all of The Fit Retreat’s guests have loved their pre-morning workout Chia Pudding breakfast/snack and I always make them the night before so they are super fresh and I add the extra fresh fruit just before serving. 

There are so many ways you can enjoy Chai Seed Pudding and the recipe below is just one of lots of different recipes out there. 

RECIPE: Serves approximately 4

1 CUP ALMOND MILK (unsweetened) 

1 CUP COCONUT MILK (unsweetened)






1/2 CUP CHAI SEEDS (can add more after, if needed)


Put all the ingredients into a measuring jug, except the chia seeds (I use a jug because it is easy to pour into the cups once finished)

Once you have combined all the ingredients together and mixed well, slowly add the chia seeds while stirring. 

Here you can add fruits like blueberries, raspberries or nuts, chocolate etc.. Then add the remaining fruit (like bananas) when serving. 

When everything is combined, pour into the serving cups, cling-film the top and pop them into the fridge for at least 2 hours, but I keep mine refrigerated overnight before serving.

Simple, affordable, tasty, healthy and effective !

the fit retreat chia seed pudding

In the last couple of years Chia seeds have become more and more popular due to their amazing health benefits. Below is just a few health benefits you will get from consuming Chia Seeds :

  • Comes from the desert plant Salvia hispanica, grown in Mexico

  • Unprocessed

  • Healthy Omega-3 Fatty Acids

  • Whole-grain food, that our body can absorb

  • High in Protein and Fiber

  • Loaded with Antioxidants

  • They are hydrophilic, they will attract water in the body (Chai seeds absorb thirty times their weight in water, they help regulate body fluid levels and retain electrolytes, both helps against dehydration)

  • Full of Nutrients and Low in Calories

As you can see that Chia Seeds are packed full of goodness and the best part about them is you can incorporate them into your diet so easily. Add them to your porridge, yogurt, eggs, milk, water and lots, lots more. 

I hope this Blog has inspired you to go out and buy some Chia Seeds, make some chia seed pudding and keep Chia seeds well stocked in your cupboards at home, for a nutritious boost to your foods.  

The Fit retreat have lots more easy, healthy and affordable recipes still to come !


